I do need to share the story of this dress...
Donated by,Kinzy Janssen, the journalist who wrote the article about the blog for Volume One,this dress was supposed to be her wedding dress.
Visiting her fiance, while he was living in China, Kinzy thought she would take the opportunity to utilize an inexpensive market and have her dress made to order over there. Unfortunately, she didn't speak Chinese and the seamstresses didn't speak English. Using her fiance as the translator, Kinzy tried to get her idea of a simple, chic (think Carolyn Bessette Kennedy)dress across. The seamstresses kept mocking up a princess style dress. Kinzy kept trying to get her point across. What was made was this...
She ended up buying her dress in the States!
Actually... the story is true...(I told it to Jake and Amanda while interviewing them about the project) but it has been applied to a completely different dress. I don't recognize the dress (yikes!) in the photo. In fact, I donated six formal dresses in total but I didn't donate the wedding dress I had made in China, in hopes of being able to sell it in the future. -Kinzy